Monday, June 6, 2011

switching it up

It's summer now. Which means that I'm spending more time reading, sitting outside, taking the dreaded GRE, and hanging out with my friends than baking. It's unfortunate, I know, but sometimes I really don't want to be in the kitchen with a 400 degree oven. I made a frozen treat the other day, frozen chocolate covered banana bites. Partly inspired by something I saw on pinterest, and partly from Arrested Development. There's always money in the banana stand, right?

Mainly I wanted to post today to share another adventure with the few people that actually read my blog. I've wanted to be a runner forever, but always found it unenjoyable and boring. However, that all changed when I saw my good friend Allie back in May. She's a dedicated runner who just started her own blog and just ran her second half marathon! She is my new inspiration and with Skype chats and text messages, she's motivating me to run my first 5k when I'm home in July.

It's the perfect race, because it's for the Petit Family Foundation, an organization that is near and dear to my heart, as well as Allie's and the entire Porter's community. Hayley Petit, who graduated with the Porter's class of 2007, was senselessly murdered in her home along with her sister and mother in July 2007. Her father, a wonderful man, has dedicated his life to continuing the girl's legacy through raising money for MS, etc. The 5k is run every year, but this is the first year I'll be able to participate. I can't think of a better first race. If you want more information about the Petit Family Foundation or want to sponsor me in the race, email me at!

So I'm totally still going to bake things. Don't worry. I'm planning a nectarine angel food cake for this weekend. I'm just also going to be running. And talking about that. Because I think this may be the only way to actually hold myself accountable.

Check out my friend Allie's blog!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Good for you! Can't wait to hear more...and feel free to blog about life too and not just baking.
