Thursday, February 17, 2011

Put A Little Love in Your Heart

This is my Valentine's post. It's late. So goes the life of a college student. On actual Valentine's Day I was babysitting, talking up Kinesiology, participating in an Exercise Physiology lab, and playing softball.

Supa busy.

So I did all of my Valentine's baking on Wednesday, and shared it with all of my Valentine's!

First up, I made brownies...kind of.

Brownies in a cup. With chocolate. With buttercream. Because who doesn't love a heavy dose of chocolate mid-week?

and then...

Remember those pretty Valentine's presents I got in the mail? Well, I put them to good use :)

So thanks again, BFF's parents!

Up next was dinner. Two of my friends, Jeff and Tim, came over for chicken, because I'm a pro-active student who buys chicken and then lets it sit until it's bad and then can't eat it. So this time, I broke the pattern and MADE the chicken. with cilantro and lime. yummm!

For dessert, I had made chocolate covered strawberries:

...and then we let them cool while Jeff and I watched Tim and his team DOMINATE in his Inner-Tube Waterpolo game. Go Tiger Detectives :)

It was a sweet post-victory snack!

So Happy Valentine's Day all! :)

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